
Social desirability

Lesson of the day…

“Socially desirable answers”

These are things that are often said, done or purchased just on the basis of it’s “social taboo” it is highly based on making themselves look good to others.

Are you a victim?

People that buy a certain brand to look a certain way, but cannot really afford it and struggle afterwards just to impress others.

People that are designer whores, follow fashion. Follow trends and try their hardest to keep up with the joneses…

People that say staying at home is the new thing but in actual fact you see them out the next week in the same club they said they wasn’t going to ever attend. (LOL!)

These are just a few that I find people do a lot of. So why do these people do all this to impress others?

I’m a self reliant person and have looked after myself from a very young age. I make my own choices. People often refer to me as a bitch… Always moaning about something when actually I’m not I’m the complete opposite. I’m just not like many other people. I don’t say things to make conversation, and I don’t say things to get a reaction. I don’t say things to be nasty I say it because I think it. Whether or not it’s ok to say it. We have freedom of speech do we not? I have a great sense of humour and a way with words. I analyse situations and I am my own biggest critique.

When I look around my home I have mirrors everywhere not because I’m vain but the simple fact that when I look around I see me. I’m living for me. My home is for me. I do what I love for me. When I get dressed it’s not for other people to think I look nice it’s for me when I look at myself I think damn Cara if you can put this together imagine all the other things you can put together. I am the master of my life. I don’t always agree with people… I don’t like agreeing with people if I think the answer is not true. I don’t sit on the fence I speak my mind. I’m not apart of this “social taboo” I actually find it so annoying when people say or do things so people think they are nice people. The nicest people actually tell you how it it. Truth hurts but the truth is the truth.

This is something I really found interesting today as this is an ultimate pet hate of mine.

People that give answers or comment or simply do things to look deep. To look a certain way to others. For others to think they are the man… Your prestige. In fact no, your not your an everybody. Aspire to be a somebody. Everybody is for everyone that’s why it begins with every. There is no individuality in that.



Perfect woman

Why is it that ones idea of the perfect woman is that of which doesn’t go out on a night out and that of the woman that resides in doors…

Why is it that this woman is any better than anyone else?

I have observed that these women that stay in doors are just like every other woman and are no better nor worse.

It seems as though these women are creating a fashion out of staying at home watching TV stuffing their faces with chocolates…

Meanwhile the VERY reason they stay in (to keep a man). The same man is out with all the party Gyals in the clubs. No offence, Just my observation. While your at home complacent thinking your the ideal girl.

Unfortunately that is the world which we are living in.

Another point too that I came across today which I thought was absolutely bang on. Certain females are being wife to boyfriends. Boyfriends are NOT husbands. Please separate these they are not the same. You wouldn’t give everything to someone on the first night so why give everything to someone that hasn’t earned that right. When you have your marriage certificate and he promises to commit to you and be faithful then you give him all the things that come with wife.

Anyone can play house.

And guys don’t think that your safe. While your out in the clubs your stay at home sofa Gyal is crying on the shoulders of your cousin or friend LOL!!! (Just saying!!!)

There are some genuine people that stay at home and do things with their kids like arts and crafts, teaching them life skills the list goes on.

Or are you one of them people that go out on bait days. Days like bank holidays, christmas, Halloween…you know them days. When all the idiots are out then wonder why you had a shit time. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ then go on Facebook and say your never going out again because your too classy. πŸ’

Yet everytime I post a pic of me out on Facebook your the first idiot to like it.

But hey that’s just my observation.

So who’s winning…



What do we want from happiness?

What do we as humans want? This thing called happiness… What is happiness? What is it? No seriously what is it. How can we determine what happiness is? Who creates the rule, or the meaning of what it is to be happy? Who are we to chose what happiness really is…? You could be happy but put up with many things that would stereotypically, technically make you unhappy rather than happy, but sometimes with sadness there is happiness.

Could they or whoever have got it wrong and the idea of happiness is incorrect, and really it means something else? One person may think happiness is when their birthday arrives but another person may despise their birthday because they are ageing. They may not like the idea of them ageing. Another may be happy with life and relish life but another may think fuxk life. Life is hard.

Who created this meaning and is this word as amazing as it sounds? One man may hate work hate mornings meanwhile another person finds happiness with these things. Some people like huge gestures to enable them to be happy. Others may prefer small gestures or even none and still feel happy. Another idea of happiness a big house, cars, wealth. Where others may find happiness with a bicycle, small house and little money.

So what things actually make people happy or rejoice the power of happiness? Happiness comes in many forms.

Find your idea of happiness.
Conform to your idea of happiness.
And if life gets you down just frown but remember life is a gift so don’t make it a chore.

Individuality, Mind, Uncategorized

Understand This

I don’t know how many times I’ve spoken on this topic. How amazing I am… how electrifying I am, because I AM!!! I’m not a twin and came from my mother a single person. I came here alone I wasn’t a clone. Just the emancipation of me. Just because I’m not like you a boring amateur putrescent little sod does not mean I’m crazy, mad or nuts!!! What it means is you think in the box where all the stereotypical, boring, follow fashion bore-hearts think and I think in masses, I think on a larger scale than you do. My mind is filled with so much creativity that it’s like a bonfire behind my eyes. I’m grand and I love life so my energy mirrors what I love. People think they know you because you say or do certain things in front of them. I don’t show all of me because you small fry people ain’t ready. What’s understood doesn’t have to be explained… but you need to explain things that people don’t understand. How do I succumb or begin to explain something so powerful. How do I start to explain My mind or me… to imbecilic people with brains of the capacity of a goldfish. People think they’re philosophers psychologists. When in actual fact they are just some average dumb dumb off the streets who never had naff all in their pitiful life’s. Stop watching people and stop throwing your negative backhanded comments. If you have nothing meaningful to add to a conversation it’s better you a) don’t comment and b) read like and do one. And finally c) MIND YOUR MOTHER XXXKING BUSINESS BXXXH!!! ✌️




Is there a link between insanity and genius? People with the deepest minds thoughts run like the water in the ocean… Everlasting and growing. Always overflowing. Meanwhile… The people that call us mad because we read between the lines. Laugh but can’t colour in the lines. Stay still like a line with intellect small like a 2pence nah a 5. I’m open minded, I’m free minded trying not to be misguided with the mind neglect that man uses to keep us divided. It’s hard to love something so deep and rare I’m misunderstood, but if you elevated your mind then maybe you could. πŸ‘“πŸ’­πŸ‘€


Broken hearts, Uncategorized

The beautiful biscuit.

It was the last biscuit. The very last in the jar. The jar was transparent. Everyone that saw it would look at it but no one wanted to have it. It wasn’t expensive but it was quality. It was made with love and care. It was beautiful. Almost too beautiful to eat. It had curved edges, curved edges like a shortcake biscuit. It had soft handmade cream in the middle and a swirly design on the outside. It resembled that posh damask pattern which they use mainly on wallpaper and curtains from the olden days.
Then one day someone finally came and reached for the jar with the biscuit… but, as he reached someone else reached for it too. They batted to and fro offering the biscuit to each other. Eventually one agreed and took the biscuit and thanked the other guy for allowing him to have it. Without a care in the world He dunked the posh biscuit into the tea. I hate tea… Quite strange for an English gal like myself to hate tea but I do.

Anyway back to the biscuit…

He dunked it into his tea and swirled it around as if it was a spoon. He pulled it out and half the biscuit fell back into the tea. He then ate the other part with out any acknowledgement that the biscuit had fallen to pieces and was sinking like the titanic to the bottom of his mug. He drank his tea with no care in the world and at the end all that was left was a soggy mess sitting at the bottom of the mug.

That’s the story of a broken heart.

Not every story is as it seems. Sometimes you have to read between the lines.


Depression, Uncategorized

The true me

I smile a lot but some don’t see. I make many jokes perhaps it’s a shield a shield hiding the inner me. I have a big heart and sometimes it cries. Sometimes I open up but majority of the time I don’t. My thoughts are my own if I was to ever share them I would never return home. Things in my past haunt me everyday. So I put them in a box and I lock them away, but sometimes the box stares me in the face and sometimes I open it. While tears run down my face. If I was to tell you something’s , you’d never believe it’s true. Is there anyone that actually knows the real me. Do you?The soft one, the kind one, not that ultimate baddie. People fear me, that other side but only my true friends know. No one will ever know the real me, I’m a social butterfly only music knows me. When I hear the beat it’s like every song has a meaning, every song has a year, every song has a date and every song has a tear.

Tears of joy or tears of woah but who knows only god knows.


Love, Uncategorized

I miss you

Shall I pretend that I don’t or shall I admit the truth.
It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to feel. We are only human. I miss my best friend. I miss your face. I miss your smile. I miss you moaning. I miss going to sleep with you in the bed. I miss having someone to eat with. I miss waking up to you. I miss your sleepy face. I miss your skin. I miss you dribbling on my hair during the night. I miss waking up in the night and kissing you on the cheek. I miss waking up in the morning and watching you sleep. I miss you.



Why hate Islam?

I don’t care how unpopular this subject is, I say what I like when I feel like. My question is why do soooo many people hate on Muslims so bad?
You go on like you don’t, but there’s many that do. I’ve noticed people AlWAYS find something to say…

Whether it’s an annoying article in the paper or we can’t celebrate nothing without some twit shouting Eid again!!!???

What’s it to you??? YES, we have two Eids for two different reasons.

Look how many other public holidays there are in other faiths?

In actual fact ask around how many Muslims got the day off work to celebrate Eid ul fitr this year after the long hard fast for 29 days. In the blazing summer.

Very few that’s the answer.

Carrying a knife is illegal yet Sikh men can carry a religious dagger not sure exactly what it’s called, but who cares though…? Only the idiotic people.

Jehovah witnesses bother people by interrupting at the most awkward times of day handing out watchtower magazines but no one cares.

People need to worry about their own crappy lives. Stop jumping on the community bandwagon to fit in with people.

Worry about your own botched up faiths. Many with grotesque dealings, that go unnoticed for decades and people turn a blind eye.

Yet, Muslims are forever in the limelight because islamaphobes love creating something out of nothing.

Yet many popes and priests are feeling up little boys.

Pastors can mess about with people’s wives and steal roof collection money.

There’s floors everywhere but no one seems to notice unless it’s about the Muslims. I’ve noticed when anything happens it’s ALL of us we think we are superior. We blow up everything.

A house blows up and they straight away suspect it’s a terrorist attack because the neighbours are Muslim. Loooool!!! For fuck sakes!!!

When the world trade went down those years were horrible. I would be walking around and hear people shout things from their cars calling me and my family suicide bombers, terrorists, bin laden, Usama the list goes on. Sometimes we would dress down to go to town because no one would want to stand by us.

But, now a days everyone’s a “Muslim” but no one has taken (Shahadah) everyone is fasting (Sawm) but no one have to charity (Zakat) this has to be done before Eid prayer.

Being Muslim is either an annoying fashion or people just hate on Muslims with no real reason.

All Muslims are looked at the same like we are trouble, if we were all the same according to the census 4.8 of the 56.1mil of population of England and wales in 2011 were Muslim. Its 2014 now. You do the math, but anyway my point is if we all the same ask yourself why your still alive? Surely we would’ve bombed your clarts up long time.

I can say I’ve noticed all this hatred from many people because I’m somewhat in disguise. Loool!! Ok not disguise. I just don’t wear a (hijab) scarf, I don’t cover. I wear English clothing rather than religious attire. So a lot of the time I catch people running their mouths about Muslims unknown to them, I’m one. I let them continue and then BAMMM!!! I tell them…. “I’m Muslim and everything you’ve just said is a loaf of stale bread.” I’m not an idiot and I will never sit there and allow people to talk crap in my presence. I’m not a new age, beard gang, Ramadan or Eid only Muslim. I know my stuff. I’ve bin a Muslim my whole life nearly I don’t hate on no one religious beliefs I respect people and their faith, beliefs, way of life or whatever so I only expect the same from others.

Be intrigued, ask questions, ask me what I do… but never slander any Muslim when I’m around it there will be hell to pay.





Whenever someone dies I’ve noticed that a lot of people find a lot to say whether they knew the person or not. I think if you don’t know the person fine say “sorry for your loss” but don’t get involved and be all like, RIP so and so…. Or “We need to come together…” that line is so cliche and it doesn’t exist. What a contradicting load of absolute bullshit!!!

Soon you will be saying the world is flat.

Why is it only when some one passes does everyone turn into preachers and community workers. Everyone jumping on the community band wagon as per usual. Nosey annoying cretinous people. Busy bodies.

People putting up statuses commenting about things… Things that they don’t have the slightest idea about. These same idiots that slap up a picture of the deceased saying RIP… Moments after they have died. How can you say RIP, it means rest in peace. People use this line even before the person has actually been laid to rest. So how is this person resting when more time they are still in the morgue. The person may have been killed and yet still… RIP. Even if this person was bad you still say RIP. So why would they be at rest? Would you rest. Do you know for certain they are resting.

I’ve known people to run and get RIP tattoos even before the funeral.

Yes this is a morbid topic but it’s very close to my heart, as I’ve had personal experiences with this issue unfortunately.

Annoying people, that were all of a sudden best mates with the one that is no longer here to confirm, yet no one remembers them ever being friends.

Why does everyone have to know the dead person?

Why is this even a fashion.

Why must the person be so great now that they are no longer here but before they died did you appreciate them?

I don’t want to see it. When someone is grieving leave them to grieve they don’t need your idiotic input it’s very insensitive. No one wants to see or read or hear what you have to say.

Especially if you don’t know them personally or the family. So people… BACK away from your keyboards, stop speculating. The person could die today at 11am and by midday People will have a whole massive story. Come down to the family house eat out all the food, drink off all the drinks, rub out the carpet. Use up all the toilet roll.

Ones that have lost people close to them will understand what I mean.
These same annoying fakers that you see or hear now will not be the same people that will be around on all the special dates a year later.

The death fame will finally decrease and then only the real people will be left.

So how about let the family rest in peace, be considerate although it’s nice to know that your loved ones were loved sometimes others comments don’t help.

